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Who holds the highest number of world record in swimming?

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Who holds the highest number of world record in swimming?
posted May 19, 2017 by Ananna Dey

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Michael Phelps holds the highest number of world record in swimming. He is an American former competitive swimmer and the most decorated Olympian of all time, with a total of 28 medals. Phelps is the long course world record holder in the 100 meter butterfly, 200 meter butterfly, and 400 meter individual medley as well as the former long course world record holder in the 200 meter freestyle and 200 meter individual medley. Phelps also holds the all-time records for Olympic gold medals (23), Olympic gold medals in individual events (13), and Olympic medals in individual events (16).

Michael Phelps holds the highest number of world record in swimming.

answer Jun 7, 2017 by Divya Nayak