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Who's bat did Shahid Afridi used to hit the fastest ever ODI century?

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Who's bat did Shahid Afridi used to hit the fastest ever ODI century?
posted May 17, 2017 by Adarsh

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The bat with which Afridi hit the fastest hundred in ODI - from 37 balls against Sri Lanka in October 1996 - was actually gifted by Sachin Tendulkar to former Pakistan captain Waqar Younis, who in turn gave it to Afridi with the wish "it could prove lucky as it belonged to a great player".

Afridi said he had got several offers to auction the bat but resisted them all as it carried a lot of sentimental value.

"Waqar gave me the bat in Nairobi where I made my debut for Pakistan. He told me Tendulkar had given him the bat and asked him to make similar model bats from Sialkot," Afridi said.

"Waqar told me the bat belonged to a great player and it could prove lucky for me so I should use it," he said.

"That record still stands today and makes me proud. I also got other good scores with this particular bat so it is very valuable for me and I have no intention to auction it off to anyone," he added.

answer May 25, 2017 by Durga Prasad