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What trophy did the Wanderers and the Royal Engineers contest for the first time in 1872?

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What trophy did the Wanderers and the Royal Engineers contest for the first time in 1872?
posted Jun 1, 2017 by Navya

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1 Answer

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For The FA Cup the Wanderers and the Royal Engineers contest for the first time in 1872. This match between Wanderers and Royal Engineers was held on 16 March 1872 at Kennington Oval in London. It was the inaugural FA Cup competition which became the primary cup competition in English football and the oldest football competition in the world. In this match Wanderers defeated Royal Engineers by 1–0 and won the first FA Cup.

For The FA Cup the Wanderers and the Royal Engineers contest for the first time in 1872.

answer Jun 20, 2017 by Brajagopal Das