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Who did Stone Cold Steve Austin wrestle at the 1998 edition of "Over the Edge"?

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Who did Stone Cold Steve Austin wrestle at the 1998 edition of "Over the Edge"?
posted Mar 17, 2017 by Naveen Kumar

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Dude Love

Even though Mick Foley portrayed all of these gimmicks, he wrestled Stone Cold under Dude Love. The match had Vince McMahon as the referee. It started off as a regular match. Vince then changed it to No Holds Barred so Dude Love can use weapons. Finally he changed it to Falls Count Anywhere. That happened when Love had Austin knocked out while outside the ring. Since Vince is the owner and assigned himself as referee he could do what he wants. After all of that, Austin still retained his title that night.

answer Mar 28, 2017 by Vijay