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Which Olympic gold medallist rowed across the Atlantic with UK TV presenter Ben Fogle?

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Which Olympic gold medallist rowed across the Atlantic with UK TV presenter Ben Fogle?
posted Dec 21, 2016 by Ujjwal Mehra

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James Cracknell
Olympic gold medalist James Cracknell and television presenter Ben Fogle have been narrowly beaten into third place in the Atlantic Rowing Race. The British duo were the first two-man crew to reach the finish in Antigua, winning their class by 120 miles.
Cracknell and Fogle battled with British four-man crew Atlantic 4 for overall second place but the heavier crew won by just under five hours.

Olympic gold medalist James Cracknell and television presenter Ben Fogle have been narrowly beaten into third place in the Atlantic Rowing Race

answer Dec 26, 2016 by Tanmay
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