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In baseball, if a batter swings at a ball and misses a pitch, it is considered a what?

+1 vote
In baseball, if a batter swings at a ball and misses a pitch, it is considered a what?
posted Jul 7, 2016 by Naveen Kumar

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Hit by pitch

In baseball, hit by pitch (HBP) is a situation in which a batter or his clothing or equipment (other than his bat) is struck directly by a pitch from the pitcher; the batter is called a hit batsman (HB). A hit batsman is awarded first base, provided that (in the plate umpire's judgment) he made an honest effort to avoid the pitch, although failure to do so is rarely called by an umpire. Being hit by a pitch is often caused by a batter standing too close to, or "crowding",

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answer Jul 22, 2016 by Babita Thawani