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Does a goal kick have to be specifically be from the edge of the goal area or can it just be anywhere inside the area?

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Does a goal kick have to be specifically be from the edge of the goal area or can it just be anywhere inside the area?
posted Jun 16, 2016 by Abu Anam

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1 Answer

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A goal kick CANNOT be taken from anywhere in the penalty area. A goal kick MUST be taken from within the goal area.
• The ball is kicked from any point within the goal area by a player of the defending team
• Opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play
• The kicker must not play the ball again until it has touched another player
• The ball is in play when it is kicked directly out of the penalty area

The Goal Area:
Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 5.5 m (6 yds) from the inside of each goalpost. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 5.5 m (6 yds) and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal are

answer Jun 30, 2016 by Deepika Jain