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In which sport the term 'hitch kick' is used?

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In which sport the term 'hitch kick' is used?
posted Jun 9, 2017 by Biplab Roy

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In Long Jump the term 'hitch kick' is used. The Long Jump is a track and field event in which athletes combine speed, strength and agility in an attempt to leap as far as possible from a take off point. The jumper usually begins his approach run about 30 metres (100 feet) from the takeoff board and accelerates to reach maximum speed at takeoff while gauging his stride to arrive with one foot on and as near as possible to the edge of the board. The most commonly used techniques in flight are the tuck, in which the knees are brought up toward the chest, and the hitch kick, which is in effect a continuation of the run in the air.

In Long Jump the term 'hitch kick' is used.

answer Jul 1, 2017 by Brajagopal Das