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What sport was introduced to Britain in 1867 by a party of Caughnawaga Indians from Canada?

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What sport was introduced to Britain in 1867 by a party of Caughnawaga Indians from Canada?
posted Jun 1, 2017 by Ankana Guchait

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1 Answer

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Lacrosse was introduced to Britain in 1867 by a party of Caughnawaga Indians from Canada. Lacrosse has its origins in a tribal game played by eastern Woodlands Native Americans and by some Plains Indians tribes in what is now Canada. The game was extensively modified by European immigrants to North America to create its current collegiate and professional form.

Lacrosse was introduced to Britain in 1867 by a party of Caughnawaga Indians from Canada.

answer Jun 20, 2017 by Debaprasad Maity