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In the finals of the 3000 metre track event 1984 Summer Olympics, who was accused of colliding with Mary Decker?

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In the finals of the 3000 metre track event 1984 Summer Olympics, who was accused of colliding with Mary Decker, who was unable to complete the race?

posted Nov 2, 2016 by Sandeep Otari

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Zola Budd

In the final, Zola Budd, representing Great Britain, had been running barefoot side by side with Decker for three laps and moved ahead. In an attempt to put pressure on Budd, Decker remained close by in a crowded space. Decker stood on Budd, then shortly after, collided with the barefoot runner and fell spectacularly to the curb.

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answer Nov 14, 2016 by Shantanu Arora